Ice, Ice, Baby!

Contained here is a copy of a video recording of the music video done to Ice, Ice, Baby by 7 former members of Brainerd High School, and Baxter Elementry School before that. The video was filmed on January 11, 1991, at Jim Esser's (belated) birthday party. The video stars:
Matt Majka  
Jeff Bailiff
Greg Cibuzar
Jim Esser
Chris Ziebell
Andy Vesely
Logan Kessel

There are two versions availible for download:
    100Kbps stream at 160x120 resolution (3.1MB).
    250Kbps stream at 320x240 resolution (7.6MB).
The video was recorded using a video camera held by my father, Steve Esser, and edited on my PC.

Questions, comments, gripes, complaints? Contact Jim Esser.