[Early Years]   [Windows Programs]   [Web]   [Art]   [PlayStation]

Early Years

This is a collection of interesting programs, utilities, and beginnings of games all written in my early years, before I had ever had a class, bought a programming book, or even heard of the 'C' language. This is included more for a history of where I've been, and is in no way representative of my current work, but some of the utils here are still used by me and clients they were written for. All of these are written in Turbo Pascal v7.0, but some will compile in Delphi or FreePascal also. Source code may be included, but be warned, at the time I had no style, and seemed not to believe in variable names more than 2 characters long ;). This list is in no way comprehensive, it just includes some of the programs I found more interesting or entertaining.

[Early Years]   [Windows Programs]   [Web]   [Art]   [PlayStation]

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